Victoria Lockdown Learning

A free resource for osteopaths, chiropractors and other therapists across Australia

Claire and I really feel for everyone in Victoria right now and know that you’re having a tough time – we’re both osteopaths and we’ve been through the same thing here in the UK.

We also run The Academy of Physical Medicine, and at the start of our lockdown here we started providing free, daily CPD broadcasts.

The feedback we got was overwhelming. Osteopaths and Chiropractors across the UK (and Europe) told us that not only did they really enjoy the learning, it gave them a focal point in the day which helped them cope with the chaos of lockdown.

So we’d like to do the same for you, indeed for all therapists across Australia.  There’s no catch, no fee, just lots of brilliant CPD every evening at 7pm (we tried to organise them for lunchtime, but it’s 4am here!)   

And if you miss a day, don’t worry – you can always watch the recording later.

All you have to do is register (so that we can make sure you have access to the right stuff and so that we can provide you with a personalised CPD certificate), Do that by filling in the form below. Dead easy.

And if there’s anything else we can do to help, just ask!  Our aim at APM is to make your life easier so you can concentrate on being a great practitioner!

We hope you enjoy the shows, and we wish you the very best during lockdown.


Steven Bruce
UK Registered Osteopath

Steven Bruce - Osteopath