B12 Deficiency – The Inside Story

This is one of the most important and informative live broadcasts we have done, giving a wealth of information not covered in medical training, and exposing the shortcomings of the conventional response. Addressing B12 deficiency properly would have HUGE medical and social benefits, but there is an equally huge problem: lack of awareness and recognition of this common condition..

For this reason, we are doing everything we can to help Tracey Witty spread the word. We feel this is vitally important for patients and practitioners.
Put yourself ahead of most other medical practitioners: watch this fascinating exposé of the hidden dangers of B12 deficiency.

Osteopaths and Chiropractors form the bulk of our membership, and a number commented that Tracey is one of the best speakers they’ve heard.

Important: B12 deficiency affects all body systems, both sexes and all ages. Due to lack of training, many practitioners may misdiagnose the condition, misunderstand the test results and/or prescribe ineffective remedies. Primary care practitioners, Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Psychiatrists, Nurses, in fact healthcare professionals of all disciplines are in a position to make a difference.

Please note: During the sign-up process, you’ll be asked for your name and email address. This is so that we can produce your personalised certificate for 90 minutes’ CPD.

All profits will be donated to Tracey’s campaign.