Help Guide
  • Ask a question – If you have a question you would like to ask then use the chat button in the bottom right of the screen.
  • Questions are anonymous – Unless you tell us your name we will not know who you are. We do like to know who is asking but it’s your choice.

Below are some common issues that we have come across and how to solve them.

If you just want our assistance then please use the chat in the bottom righthand corner as this will be much quicker then the phone smile


  • The video keeps buffering – This could be to do with the amount of download speed you have available. You can reduce the stream quality by clicking the cog icon (⚙) within the player and selecting a lower number (apple devices do not have this option). You always have the option of joining us on Facebook which could give a smoother viewing.
  • The video player has a circle spinning and nothing playing – The first thing to do is to refresh the page, it’s simple but solves most problems found. If that didn’t work then it could be related to the above so try to reduce the stream quality