An online first aid course unlike any other


Saturday 23rd September 2023
09:00 – 17:00 (Lunch: 12:30 – 13:30)

First Aid is an Essential

A first aid emergency can occur at any time.  And it’s MORE likely in your clinic, because you actively invite people with problems in to see you.  And there’s no guarantee that the problem is what they think it is!

The public (and, sadly, the press) need to be assured that you have the skills needed to deal with potentially life-threatening emergencies.

That’s why this course is for you.

This is not like other online first aid training.

First off, it’s taught by APM’s 2 fantastic instructors – Steven Bruce and Malcolm Parnell.

Unlike other online courses, this one is LIVE and SUPERVISED.  We also courier to you the equipment you need in order to meet all the goals of clinic first aid – that means you get better training! (and a “Learning with Others” CPD certificate).

Class size is limited to 30, so that you get optimum supervision, all of which is achieved through the live video link.



  • This course will run in much the same way as a face-to-face course, so you’ll need to be present throughout (don’t worry, we do schedule breaks!)
  • To get your certificate, we have to assess you as competent in the key skills.  To that end, for a short period, YOU WILL NEED ANOTHER PERSON PRESENT in order to practise the recovery position.  An older child will do, but infants, toddlers, teddy bears and pets are not a suitable alternative!  Your volunteer will be needed between 12:00 and 12:30.
Timings, Equipment and Help

A computer or tablet with a camera – this is an online course, after all! Your device will also need a microphone.

An internet connection, because we’ll be delivering this through MS Teams.  You shouldn’t need to download any software, but some students find it easier to interact through the MS Teams app.

A smartphone.  This is in addition to whichever device you are using to attend the course, and it’s an important part of the assessment process.

Another person.  You’re going to have to do some practical, so you’ll need another person to assist between 12:00 and 12:30.  If they can be there at 10:15 for 15 minutes, that’s a bonus, but not essential.

Time.  You will need to commit the whole day to the training.  If we can’t see you through your camera, we won’t be able to issue a certificate.

We’ll let you have a lunchbreak, obviously, but plan to be “in the classroom” from 09:00 to 12:30, and from 13:30 to 17:00.

What's the Qualification?

You’ll get an “Emergency First Aid in the Clinic” certificate.  

That’s valid for 3 years, but to help prevent skill-fade during that time, we’ll send you monthly reminders of the skills taught.  

On the back of your certificate, we record all the aspects of first aid that you’ve covered.

Does this meet GCC Requirements?

The GCC issued new guidance on the requirement for first aid training for chiropractors in March last year.

The key elements of this are:

– You must be competent to recognise and manage emergency situations

– You must assess your own first aid training needs.

The GCC does NOT specify which course you should attend, nor does it stipulate a particular level of training, although it gives examples of what might be suitable.

Will this training satisfy the GCC?  Only you can decide on your own training needs, but this training addresses all the likely needs for clinic, and other, emergency first aid.  The answer to this question is therefore YES.  If you need help deciding on your training needs (for example, through a first aid risk assessment) contact us – we can talk you through the process.

Here’s why we think this course is suitable:

It WILL equip you to deal with most first aid situations (the syllabus exceeds that laid down by the Health and Safety Executive for a one-day course).

It is tailored to a clinical environment.

It is live and supervised.  So as far as it is possible to do so, we will check that you are competent in your skills.

You will be able to ask questions of the instructors at any point during the course, unlike other online first aid training

Unlike other online courses, we will be able to adequately assess your CPR skills.

We have no doubt that this is the best online training available.  It is probably better than most face-to-face courses.

We have no doubt that you can justify choosing our online training if called on to do so, and we will support you in defending that position should it ever be required.

If you’d like more information about this, please give us a call:  01933 328150

The Instructors

First off, there are TWO instructors – two voices, double the humour.  That makes the training much more enjoyable. 

One’s a former marine, now an osteopath, the other’s a former paramedic. So they know their stuff!

Neither of them likes to teach “from the book” – all the topics are put into context, explained clearly.  First aid “myths” are exposed and cold-bloodedly slaughtered (the marine does that bit).

What's Covered?

The standard one-day syllabus taught by other providers covers CPR, unconsciousness, choking, bleeding, shock and minor injuries (yes, even “small splinters”!).

This course goes way beyond that.  Our philosophy is that you need to handle whatever crops up next.

Here’s what we teach in addition to the standard, syllabus:

– Anaphylaxis
– Diabetes
– Stroke
– Heart attack
– Epilepsy
– Burns and scalds
– Spinal injuries
– Pneumothorax

Why THIS Course?

This course is tailored to clinicians and clinic staff.

The scenarios are based on REAL clinic incidents, or are put into clinical context.

We support you throughout the 3 years of the qualification, including provision of monthly reminder videos to prevent skill-fade.

You’ll leave this course confident in your ability.

 Most of all, this course is FUN (unlike most others!).

89.5% of students rated this the best first aid course they had attended


(Assessed on the basis of feedback from ALL online first aid courses run by APM)

“Brilliantly organised, great presenters and good discussions about real life situations.!”

(April 2021)

Very pragmatic with helpful examples and entertainment.
(April 2021)

“Really informative, loved that the kits were sent to us and excellent teachers.”

(April 2021)

“Focused on situations likely to arise in clinic not building sites. The relaxed presentation and humour made serious subjects more palatable.”

(April 2021)

“Loved being able to do it from home, the content, relevance to clinic, the [SECRET!], the funny anecdotes, the wee Scottish man – very informative”

(April 2021)

“Loved it. Felt like I learnt loads. Great instructors! Relevant to clinic but also public areas too!”

(June 2020)

Very thorough, so convenient, covered way more than any FA courses I’ve done previously.
(June 2020)

“Could not recommend enough. I’ve taken many other first aid courses this one was top.”

(June 2020)

“Full of common sense and clinical settings elements.

All relevant.”

(June 2020)

“Presenters very knowledgeable & experienced, clinically relevant, it cut out the rubbish”

(June 2020)

I enjoyed the course. Getting others to come in as bodies was easy as you were so good with your timing…also plenty of opportunity for interaction.

(Nov 2020)

“I loved the [SECRET!]– such a lovely touch and made me very happy! Little things like that make us feel cared for, I feel that APM cares for us the way we care for our patients, it’s very uplifting.
(Nov 2020)

My boyfriend was a lifeguard for several years and had to do a lot of first aid training, he really enjoyed listening in from the sofa and thought the course was very good

(Nov 2020)

“Really enjoyed it – 2nd to none! Impressed with actual manikins and all the equipment – all without leaving the house! Excellent delivery, really informative – recommended!”

(Nov 2020)

An excellently organised course that formed a vital part of my CPD. Couldn’t have been easier.

(Nov 2020)

“Better than anything I had done previously.

(Nov 2020)

“II thought it worked brilliantly
(Nov 2020)

“Lots of useful bits of information that I’d never considered that before”

(Nov 2020)

Steven in a kilt!!!  Being Scottish, I’ve seen many versions but that was quite unique!laughing

(Nov 2020)

I liked the professionalism, up to date knowledge, experience, sense of humour, the videos, the box of all we needed plus [SECRET!]

(Nov 2020)

“My kids who were with me (9 and 7yo) both were engaged and interested the whole time too 🙂! Great to have the practical stuff sent to us

(June 2020)

Informative and relaxed- feel like I’ll actually remember the first aid taught to me- and hopefully if ever needed be able to apply it without fear

(June 2020)

Loved being in the comfort of my own home – enjoying my own decent coffee ! 
Plus the opportunity to get involved – very entertaining

(June 2020)

“It was fun and very practical.

It was a great opportunity for me to be sure of what I could do in an emergency.

(June 2020)

It was the only way I was ever going to get to actually attend your first aid course so for me I loved it being on line!! Thank you so much!

(June 2020)

“Really enjoyed the course. Best I have been on. Would definitely recommend!”

(May 2020)

All styles of learning included.  Excellently clear.  Best ever.”

(May 2020)

“Interactive, instructive and educational.  Also funny and entertaining”

(May 2020)

Loved the humour – made it so much fun. Seriously guys don’t change the format!!”

(May 2020)

“Despite being online, this was still the best first-aid course I’d ever attended”

(May 2020)

“Covered everything… excellent detail … just the right amount of humour. It was as if we were all in the same room.

(May 2020)

“Lighthearted but still got the message across using clinical scenarios.”

(May 2020)

“Very informative, amusing and not stupidly strict ! You made me feel it was ok to use common sense!

(May 2020)

Presenters were very good. Very animated and stuck to the essentials,”

(May 2020)

Really well taught. Clear advice. It wasn’t boring at all. Did everything that was required.

(May 2020)